This week I finished a log cabin quilt that I found in partially finished blocks while digging through a stash of abandoned WIPs. First I had to finish the blocks, but there wasn't too much work left on them. I arranged them in a straight furrows setting, which works, I think, because the design is simple and clear. Since I chose to use so much yellow and orange, the blue strips have to work pretty hard.
I decided it was a great project for experimental quilting, since I don’t have an emotional attachment to this quilt. I did a freehand fan/ flower doodle on the orange side of the block and straight lines in a stair down the blue side. I thought about drawing more of a feather arrangement, but it seemed a little formal for this. What I ended up with is extremely informal, but it is sweet and was fun to do. Clearly I need to work on my stitch length because they are not always even as I come off the curves.
I’d like to do a few more log cabins, because they are so versatile. I’m also interested in log cabin variations. I’m thinking about trying to quilt a big flower freehand, so maybe in some blooming spring colors?
This guy is pretty small, measuring about 40"x40". On the back I used fabric my sister gave me several years ago from her Junior Year Abroad in Senegal. I have some more that I mean to make into a quilt for her sometime, but I haven't received the inspiration yet.
I think this quilt will probably head to the Midwest to be a spare blanket for my nieces and nephew.
Linking up to Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.