Ironing Board Cover

I hardly think this is worth the post, but it’s a good reminder that some small projects aren’t that hard to do and can make a big difference.  I’d been limping along for some time with a nasty ironing board cover.  It was old when it came to be mine, and since then it had seen some pretty heavy use.  I didn’t want to make one because I thought it would be a real pain —actually it’s super easy— and a waste of perfectly good fabric.  I looked into buying a new cover for ease, but they are all chemically treated to reduce staining.  I seem to be more concerned about this than most people, but I’d rather have a stained ironing board than breathe in unnecessary chemicals, so I decided to recover it myself.  I used three layers of batting, some skinny elastic and a piece of fabric that I have had lying around for awhile.  It was a little red and white polka dot that I like —and bought a lot of — but hasn’t made it into many of my projects.  It has really cheered up my sewing room, helps things look neat and tidy, and was really simple to do!  Definitely a project I’ll do again.


Anonymous said…
This ironing board cover is so cute!
Thanks for sharing it.